Saturday, August 30, 2008

Time with Ane and then the Portland kids!

My time with Ane was a lot of fun! a lot of it was chilling at home... but we went shopping one day and that was fun... then one day we went and hung out with Igor and Gerald and the Fam as well as Joseba and his wife Joanna! I met her boyfriend... and i am one of the first to do that... and i like him he is quite nice... so after we had coffee together and he dropped us off back at home i told her that i approve ;). But it was really fun... she told me that she wanted her last smoke, so we sat on a bench and she smoked... and i told her how it was really funny because it reminded me of Good ol times when we use to sit out on my pourch when she was in america! and she would smoke and i would talk;).. then we started talking about God and just had a really good conversation... and it was just fun to be with her and Sharing about God again... and listening to what she had to say and her opinions... and it was a really nice time with her. then the next day i left and went back to Geralds... and then that night was the dinner night with the students who came to Portland. So we met infront of MacD's... cuz everyone know's where that is :)! so we hung out got some boccadillo's and and ate at the harbor and just had a lot of fun together... then we went to the water and for a little bit and then we went for some icecream... i told Gerald that i wanted to walk home so.. Paula and leire and Fermine came with too... cuz paula doesn't live far from Geralds.... then maite came too... and we just hung out... Then Fermine took off to go take the bus back to his village... so then we kept on walking us girls.... just talking about good times at camp and other good inside jokes... then we kind of commmited a not really but it felt like it because it was late at night and we were trying to go and sit down in this area by the water... so we had to hop this fence... it was fun... we just sat there and talked for a while... then we got up and left... and hopped back over the fence... and well... there was Fermine... owow.... lol... i guess i decided not to get onto the bus cuz he didn't know if it was giong to go pass towards his house... so they walked me back to Geralds and i said good bye!! it was a good time just haning out with them... i really enjoyed it... it was a ton of fun!!! It is always such a delight to see these friends of mine... and just to be around them... it brings a smile to my face everytime that i see them... oh and Paula... since i am sure you will read this... i am suppose to give you a big hug from your american family... but i didn't read there post till after i saw you!! hehe... and for the rest of you... turns out that leire found my blog through the brawlys and then gave it to Paula!! i am being read all over the world;)!! hehehe.... well... thanks again for your prayers... God is awesome and still doing great work in my life everyday!! and i'll pics up like tomorrow or monday... i don't have them downloaded anywhere. (paula i promise soon ;))

Ane and I waite for the bus!

Igor... oh what a kick!

Ane, me and Elle her sister!!

beautiful day!

my feet, Ane´s feet and Elle´s feet!

All of us at the Harbor!

Me, Leire and Paula

Fermine, Leire, Me, Maite and Paula

The girlies

Maite wasn´t quite ready


Unknown said...

hey glad you got to hang out with Ane...i have so many good memories of our first Basque daughter-your first Basque lucky you are to now have so many friends in BC!

I am so excited to see you in about 12 days! I love

Anonymous said...

Bri Said
Hey I think this is my first blog ever or a blog answering a blog.Thus blog blog? It really is very interesting and encouraging as well as enlightening to read your experiences and how God is guiding and moving you in so many ways. Keep in mind darkness cannot exist in the light. Food for Thought. But he who does the truth comes to the light that his (or hers)deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God. John 3:21. God is always with you and we all care about you. Funny your Mother should say she misses your Smile, as I do as well and have your picture with Mother in a Frame in our House. So Proud of You, May God's Blessing Fill your Heart, Encourage your Thoughts and Guide you Continously.

Indiana Bri

Trek 4 Fun said...

Good morning Jackie:
I love the pictures you included in this post. I am sipping my tea and vewing my favorite blogs and found it so fun to see your beautiful face and the happy smiles all around. Have a blessed day! Warm hugs to you!
Wendy :)

Carole said...

Hi Jackie,
I've been thinking about you & praying for you. How great that God is giving you some good conversations with people who need him. Good pictures! It looks like you're having a good time with people you like!

Anonymous said...


Good to here of your trip. I suppose you are home or coming home soon. I'm so glad to here that all is well and you are enjoying your time.


Anonymous said...

Should have read your mom's response first I guess that you will be home in 11 days.


Ellie said...

Fun! Would you give Leire a BIG hug for me if you see her again? And Maite. And Paula. Well, everybody, I guess. : )

No pressure though. : )


Roger said...
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Roger said...

mom and I are in Montana (not Idaho, like your beautiful mom said)and using your computer. Thanks. I am so excited you had a great time with dear Ane. Seeing her picture, I miss Ane. Seeing pictures of Igor is wonderful, also. Your special, our dear, Love Dad

P.S. Did I ever tell you that I love you?