Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So yesterday i was at the island with maite and her friends... so it turns out that it was actually like a birthday part for three of the girls who planned it themselves. It was so much fun... we had to do like this scavanger hunt thing and there were 3 different teams!! one team couldn´t see... so they were blindfolded... another team could´nt speak.. and my team couldn´t use our arms! so we started with one card and then we had to go find the clue on this huge island and get the other clue... our first one was on like these huge steps... and it was histericall and actually pretty dangerous... i had to like climb up these wall stairs... with no arms and get this card... i had to like stand on one girls backt o get to the last level... but getting down was really scary... but oh well it was fun.... there were others that we had to find... but in the end my team one!! SO MUCH FUN!! then we went and had lunch together... at the top of the island up like this ginormous hill!!! then we played cards for a really long time, just hung out and had a ton of fun!!!! then we gave the birthday girls their present and we made them find them the way they made us do the scavenger hunt!! it was pretty funny!!! we were there from like 1 to 7 and then i had to leave because i was going to ane´s!! so then i arrived at ane´s and now i am here... its been fun to hang out with her... so far... but its just the beginning of this day!!! thank you all for praying!! i am still learning to grow closer to God everday!!! love you guys...!!
God Bless


Unknown said...

I love you Jackie. Sounds like a wonderful day on the Island! So glad you get to spend time with Ane. Give her a great big hug from her American Mom!
A big hug for you too!...MOM

Rick and Amy said...


I'm so glad you've been keeping this blog. So fun to hear about what God's doing in your life and all the adventures you're having in BC!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie,

We've been praying for you. Sounds like you are having an unbelievable amount of experiences in a short amount of time. Enjoy the rest of your time in Basque land and we'll look forward to seeing you again in a few months. We're going to be able to come to Sarah's wedding!

Praise God!


Andrew, Ruth, Gabriel and Isa

Anonymous said...

Jackie! I JUST found your blog and read the whole thing! What an amazing experience you are having. We miss you around here, so be sure to visit when you can. Love and Hugs! Pavla

Roger said...
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Roger said...

Jackie, I am so glad that you and Maite and your new Basque friends are growing so close. Your friendship with each other and the bonding that is happening is orchestrated by our Heavenly Father. God is shaping your future.

Love, Dad

PS. Did I ever tell you that I love you?

Unknown said...

J Whaley!!!!! So stinkin Jealous of you right now....awesome to hear your havin fun. not fair that i have started school and your baskin in the sun on some exotic island.
Your Awesome,

Anonymous said...


We've really enjoying keeping up with you via the blog and have been praying for you, and Maite, and Paula, and Elena-from last year. Enjoy your last week. We'll ask that God continues to use you and to do what only He can...
If you talk to Paula let her know we miss her.

Matt for the Moffats

Roger said...

Dear Jackie,

It has been a lot more lonlier since you wagged good bye. No one throws the ball to me like you do. And sometimes I barely make it outside in time. When I hear a car noise I always hope it is you and I bark in excitement, so far with no reward of your appearance. I know that someday my nose will realize it is you coming home. I look forward to that day and the accompanying yield of barks your arrival will cause.

Love, Rudi

PS. Give Maite a wag from me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie!
Your folks are downtown tonight, spending time with Sharon and Hannah and me. Your blog is great, and really, really encouraging! I can tell this is a real spiritual journey...
Keep up the good work!