Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hey ya all!!! so day 2! ha thats a funny one! first of all it began with waking up at 5 in the morning! and i got up and maite was up to and had been since 1!!! so we were just up and talking and laughing because we were up so early and it was crazy!!! I finally tried to go back to sleep at like 7:30/8:00! And i got back up at like 11:20 and maite still hadn´t fallen asleep. She was on the phone so i was looking at phrases in my spanish phrasebook! Finally she fell asleep at like 12:45! and i just did some stuff on the computer. OH and did i mention that we didn´t really do anything because we were waiting for my luggage to arrive! so maite got up and Aita (dad) came home and we had lunch at like 3:30 and then i was tired after eating so i went back to sleep until 5 :)! My luggage came at like 6 then i took a shower and then me and maite were off to hang out with her kuadrilla!!! That was really fun meeting her friends and all. so then we were going to get ice cream, and there we saw Yon from camp this year he was a leader so that was excititing and with him was another guy dont remember his name... but he was from 2 years ago! and then all the sudden i hear this scream and i look over my shoulder and sure enough it was mirena from last year and the year before!!!! Man it was so wonderful to see her!!

At about 9:30 we went to a pub and had some Pinchos, maite picked a kind for me and it was like some seafood one... it was pretty good, i mean i was starving... so pretty darn good! then we headed home and i was with maite and Chok!! at home we had dinner then just hung out and went to bed!! Great story!! today shall be quite fun!! a story for next time ;)!

PS sorry i don´t have pics up yet!

Monday, July 28, 2008

DAY ONE in Basque Country!

Wow!!! so first of all i was actually suppose to have arrived in Basque country yesterday, however due to a very big mishap i missed my flight and did not get out until the 27th yesterday i guess!!! So my first flight was 10 hours, from Portland to Frankfurt, Germany!! I sat next to a very nice German man!!! oh and before i talk about him, what about the plane, it was huge, i thought that those kind of planes only existed in movies. It was crazy, now i know its the biggest plane because this one didn´t have the decks, but i saw some that did, i do´nt know i have just never seen them and it was crazy. Anyways back to the man i sat next to! He was so nice. we didn´t talk to much until the end of the flight, but we talked about his wife and kids and i talked a little about my trip and how it was my first time overseas, and he was really excited for me. Then when we got off the plane he helped me find where i needed to go and wished my luck on my trip!! SO NICe!!! then i had to go throught the passport place, and the guy that checked my passport was a jerk face, but whatever!! ha but then after he gives me my passport back i walk through the door thing and i don´t know where to go there are walls surrounding me everywhere, so i thought well i´ll wait for some other people to come through to see where they go. But there were confused too. and then all the sudden we see one of the walls open and there was the rest of the world... man that was interesting! So then i had to wait 2 and a half hours for my next flight, so i walked around and went into this store and part of it they were selling perfume, so sprayed a bunch of testers on those little sample pieces of paper. That was fun, i think they thought i was crazy but whatever, it´s me! so then my flight from Frankfurt to Dusledwarf or something like that, was late so we didn´t take off till like 11:20ish and the flight was 45 mins long and my next flight left at 12:15 an started to board at 11:50. so i was kind of freaking out but then it was like whatever and i fell asleep on the plane before it took off and i woke up when we were descending, so that was nice. Then i got off the airplane and had to run to my gate where they were waiting for me, and we had to take a bus to get to the plane, so i get on the bus and everyone stares at me... it was wonderful! But then i made it Balboa where my family, maite and here dad picked me up. and well my baggage didn´t make it, because well i even had to run to my flight. so now im without cloths but they will be arriving tomorrow and all will be well!! My time so far with the family has been fun and crazy, but i am also tired so i don´t understand some of the spanish that i should!!! and well that is it for now. i am sure things will be more exciting to hear about later! but I will be going to bed soon it is about 5:30here and im tired, but it will still be a little while!!! Agor (good bye in Basque) for now!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hi every one